Larabel B1 Course

Is In Laravel, these operations can be implemented using Eloquent, which is Laravel’s built-in object-relational mapping (ORM) system.

To create a CRUD operation in Laravel, you would typically follow these steps:

Create a new Laravel project using the laravel new command. Set up a database connection in the .env file. Create a new model for the data you want to manage using the php artisan make:model command. This model will represent a single item in your database, such as a user or a product. Define the columns that should be present in the database table for this model using migrations. Migrations are like version control for your database, and they allow you to easily make changes to your database schema over time.

Use Eloquent to create, read, update, and delete items in the database. This can be done using methods on the model, such as create(), find(), update(), and delete(). Create a controller to handle the incoming HTTP requests for your CRUD operations. This controller will use the methods on your model to perform the appropriate action (create, read, update, or delete) on the data. Define routes for each of your CRUD operations in the routes/web.php file. These routes will map URLs to the appropriate methods on your controller. Create views to display the data to the user. These views can be created using Laravel’s built-in Blade templating engine, which allows you to easily mix PHP code and HTML. In summary, creating a CRUD operation in Laravel involves setting up a project, defining a model and its corresponding database table, using Eloquent to perform the CRUD operations, creating a controller to handle requests, defining routes, and creating views to display the data to the user.


PHP Laravel is an application framework based on a Open Source Code, aimed at developing web systems with expressive and elegant syntax. It is developed in PHP, being easily adopted and learning.

Its web structure provides an infrastructure and starting point...