Customize the README of your profile at Github, leave your business card as developer with your personal touch and increase the visibility and clarity of your technical position in the software development area.

What is README

A README file is often the first element that a visitor will see when accessing your repository.

Usually it includes information about:

  • What is the project scope
  • Why the project is useful
  • How users can start using the project
  • Where users can get help with their project
  • Who maintains and contributes to the project

However, they are not limited to this, what information will be available is to you to choose.

In software project management systems such as Github, Gitlab or Bitbucket, Readme files are written in Markdown.In Github a version called Github Flavored Markdown is used.

In the case of your Github profile, Readme will allow customization as a professional business card.

What is a profile in Github

Your profile page tells your professional story, as a software developer, through repositories in which you are interested, the contributions you made and the interactions you have had.

You can add personal information about yourself in the bio, as places you worked earlier, the projects with which you have contributed or interests you have that other people may like to know.

If you add a README file to the root of a public Github repository with the same username, this readme will automatically appear on your profile page and can edit to create a custom section on your profile.

Readme File of Profile Profile
Readme File of Profile Profile

Customizing the README of your Github profile

You can add a README to your Github profile to customize how other people know you professionally.

Who decides which information to include in the README of your profile is you. With total control over how it presents in Github.

Here are some examples of information that may be interesting, fun or useful in the README of your profile.

  • A “About Me” section that describes your work and your interests
  • Contributions of projects from which you are proud, as well as context of these contributions
  • Guidance to get help in communities where you are involved
  • Personal curiosities

You can format text and include emojis, images and gifs on your README profile using Github-specific Markdown.

Initial README configuration of your profile

Prerequisites for Github to show the readme of your profile:

  • Create a repository with a name corresponding to your username in Github
  • Configure this repository as public
  • Add a file called to the root of the repository
  • Add the desired content in the README file

In my case, my username is nunomazer, so on the dialog screen of a new repository, the settings are as in the following image, with the public and _add options:

Create a new repository at Github

By showing your new repository, a README editing button is enabled so you can start customizing your professional profile.

Edit README on Github profile
Edit README on Github profile

By clicking the editing button, a file with suggested topics is open, where you can complement according to your professional history and interests to be disclosed:

README with suggestions
README with suggestions

You can remove the comments ( <!-- and --> ) and start customizing your profile through Readme in Github.

Congratulations, you have just customized your profile at Github, following an example of how professional it is, even with the simplest and more suggested content when creating your customization.

Now just use the imagination !!!

Example of a basic README on the Github profile
Example of a basic README on the Github profile